Tag Archives: devil


I don’t know what has gotten into me lately,but I am into this whole angel devil thing.Not in a God way,but a my personality way. I am normally a good nice person, but when I’m bad oh boy take cover. The drinking and the swearing isn’t helping matters either. Maybe it has something to do with my being a Gemini,those closest to me say I definitely have a split personality thing going for me. When I need therapy I’ll let ya know.

Any who, I won a $200 tattoo at a beef and beef for one of my friends nieces who was born with birth defects. I can’t decide what I want to do there are so many options. I want to cover up a tattoo on the back of my neck I let a ex do while we were both drunk at 4 am in the morning (lesson learned). I want to get the tattoo of birds that I have on my stomach shaded in. Then there is the I want a whole new one. I definitely want a sexy angel devil tat. And I always wanted to get a SailorMoon tattoo as well.  While I am still making up my mind I did a angel devil nail design.


Left hand:

Base Coat: Santee Sky Blue

Wording: Ruby Kisses HD Whiter than White

Halo: N.Y.C Lexington Yellow


Right hand:

Base Coat: The Color Workshop Rose Red

Wording: SinfulColors Blacker on Black

Horns: N.Y.C Lexington Yellow

Pics of tattoo thoughts below

sailor_moon_2013_by_mcmugget-d5pjj88.png angel deviltat